This is a blog about my random rants and a point of discussion for my clients, collegues and anyone in general who is interested in insurance, savings, investments and real estate.

Wednesday, September 02, 2009

SGX Changes?

Finally. I've always found it stupid that you have to bid for a minimum of 1000 shares or what we deem as 1 lot. If a person has only $10,000 to invest and he wants to add a counter like OCBC Bank to his portfolio he must buy 1000 shares (Approximately $7000+). Leaving him with about $2000+ to build the rest of his porfolio.

Next move I'd like to see. Perhaps a reduced stock split for shares costing less than 50 cents to boost the price. It's quite ridiculous that people have to buy shares in the tens of thousands. Well most of them do so to save on brokerage fees as they are speculating.

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