This is a blog about my random rants and a point of discussion for my clients, collegues and anyone in general who is interested in insurance, savings, investments and real estate.

Sunday, August 02, 2009

First post. Post exam stress....

Fantastic that it is over! CFP (Certified Financial Planner) exam is a good exam for those who are serious about this career. Which then gives me the thought... People like me go for qualification after qualification in the pursuit that we can be better equipped. Some financial advisors only have the bare minimum 2 papers (ie. M5 and M8 from Singapore College of Insurance) and they are deemed to be somewhat on par with everyone in the industry. Hmmm... increase the entry requirements for goodness sake MAS!!! It is very typical for you to just close one eye and then when something happens den swoop in to rectify the problem. A more responsible thing to do would be to focus on prevention rather than rectification.

Today (ie. Sunday 2nd of August 2009) someone died while competing in the OSIM triathlon. This is a very tragic accident. Personally I find such events a pure waste of time and money. Gone are the days when it was all about the joys of swimming, cycling and running. Now everything is about the money. Events like the triathlons, marathons and even cycling events are charging exorbitant fees. Yet hordes of people are signing up for them. Now everyone is jumping in on this bandwagon. It's all about forming a sports club and organising an event and then charging a fee to make PROFIT. Yes, PROFIT! For something that everyone should be able to do for a low cost or even better, for free! I've seen events from tertiary sports clubs charging up to $60 just for a running event. Hey, I run very often and I never was once made to pay ERP rates for using the pavement.

What I'm saying is that Singapore is such a profit driven society that we have taken joys like swimming, cycling and running to the point whereby we need to make money from these God given natural abilities. Gone are the days when it was all about collecting a fee to cover the cost of running the event. Gone are the days when sponsorship was used to defray cost. Now it is about getting sponsors to increase profits. The best part? These events charge ridiculously high fees and yet there are people willing to support such events. Sponsors are running thin as well if there are too many events. Everyone is starting a cycling or triathalon event. The number of events springing up are much more than the number of sponsors available to support such events.

It's all about "hey did you go for the last OSIM Triathlon? Or some lame cycling event by some sports club?". There was never an effort to ease people into triathlon. Where were the training sessions? Where were the safety briefings? It is not cost effective and thus there weren't any. Now another death. Every death is one death too many.

Want to swim, cycle and run? Get your friends and do it on a constant basis. You will end up healthier, fitter and you'll have more money in your wallet.


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